소형 미니 진동발생 가진기 Shaker EVT-1000, 파워앰프 PA-100 연결 및 작동법

진동발생 실험을 할 수 있는 EVT-1000 가진기(shaker, excite) , PA-100 파워앰프의 기본 연결법과 작동법 입니다. https://youtu.be/ecB2EeMrPKw?si=V02SkuvcI2h-qbdD ** 응용분야 : 간단한 진동실험, 진동센서(가속도계, 가속도센서) 테스트, 진동발생 및 가진이 필요한 테스트 등에 사용 [한국SI ] 음향 소음 진동 솔루션 전화 : 02-6348-3500 메일 : hksi@hksi.co.kr 웹사이트 : www.hksi.co.kr 블로거 : https://blog.naver.com/suya309 전문분야 : 소음진동분석장비, 가속도계(가속도센서), 진동센서, 마이크로폰, 가진기, 임팩트해머(충격해머), 음향공진검사기, 소음계, 진동계, 진동공진실험기구(EVT), 진동시험기, 진동센서교정기 #진동발생실험 #소형가진기 #EVT1000

3056 시리즈 Dytran 가속도센서 (진동센서, 가속도계, Accelerometer)

Dytran 3056 SERIES

general purpose aCCELEROMETER

Dytran 3056 시리즈는 1 ~ 500 mV/g의 감도를 가진 단축 IEPE (ICP, CCLD, DELTATRON, ISOTRON) 가속도센서 (가속도계, 진동센서, Accelerometer) 입니다. 3056 시리즈에는 TEDS 기능이 있는 모델, 작동 온도 범위가 325°F(163°C)인 모델이 있습니다. 또한 3056 시리즈는 저잡음 (low noise), 높은 공진 주파수(> 25kHz), 제작 감도가 ±5% 이내 및 1Hz ~ 10kHz의 주파수 응답이 특징입니다.

3056 시리지의 디자인은 견고한 티타늄 하우징에 패키징된 세라믹 전단 감지 요소를 특징으로 하며 10–32 윗방향 커넥터와 10–32 스터드 장착이 가능합니다. 3056 시리즈는 EMI/접지 루프 간섭을 방지하고 저잡음 JFET 전자 장치를 통합하는 진정한 베이스 절연을 제공합니다. 또한 높은 습도와 더러운 환경에서 안정적인 성능을 위해 완전히 밀봉되어 있습니다.


- 바닥 절연 (Base isolated)

- 티타늄 하우징 (Titanium)

- 밀폐형 실링 (Hermetic)

- IEPE (ICP, Isotron, CCLD, Deltatron)

- TEDS 옵션

- 고온용 옵션 (High temperature options)


- 모달 분석 (Modal analysis)

- 진동 시험 (Vibration control)

- 범용 고온 진동 모니터링 (General purpose high temperature vibration monitoring)

[3056 시리즈 모델]



1.02 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 4900 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 1/4–28 mounting stud, mechanically and electrically filtered, 16 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation
1.02 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 4905 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +121°C Operation
2 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 2453 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
2 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 2453 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
5.1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 981 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
5.1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 981 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
10.2 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 491 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
10.2 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 491 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
20.4 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 245 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
20.4 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 245 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
51.0 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 98 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
51.0 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 98 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +160°C Operation
1.02 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 4905 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
10.2 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 491 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +121°C Operation
10.2 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 491 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
51.0 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 98 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +107°C Operation
51.0 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 98 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +107°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
2.04 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 2453 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +121°C Operation
2.04 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 2453 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
5.1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 981 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +121°C Operation
5.1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 981 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
20.4 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 245 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +107°C Operation
20.4 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 245 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +107°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
0.1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 49050 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +121°C Operation
0.1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 49050 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
0.51 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 9810 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +121°C Operation
0.51 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 9810 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–51 to +121°C Operation,–40 to +85°C TEDS Operation
1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 4905 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operation
1 mV/m/s² sensitivity, 4905 m/s² range, 10–32 axial connector, 10–32 tapped hole, 10 grams, isolated,–55 to +163°C Operatio


[3056 시리즈 리스트]

3056B10, 3056D1, 3056D10, 3056D10T, 3056D11, 3056D11T, 3056D12, 3056D12T, 3056D13, 3056D13T, 3056D14, 3056D14T, 3056D1T, 3056D2, 3056D2T, 3056D3, 3056D3T, 3056D4, 3056D4T, 3056D5, 3056D5T, 3056D6, 3056D6T, 3056D7, 3056D7T, 3056D8, 3056D8T, 3056D9, 3056D9T

제품 선정 및 기술적인 도움이 필요하시면 하기 문의처로 언제든 연락 부탁드립니다!


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