힘센서 (Force sensor) for 인장 및 압축 힘측정 / 충격,낙하,타격,순간힘,동적힘 측정 및 실험 센서 with 1061V1 Dytran 힘센서-2224 N
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Dytran 1061V1 힘센서 (Force Sensor)
** 0 ~ 2224 N 인장 및 압축 힘측정 가능
** 충격힘, 낙하힘, 타격힘, 순간힘, 동적힘 실험 측정 가능 센서
[Dytran 1061V 시리즈 힘센서 특징]
- 스테인리스 스틸 (Stainless steel)
- 폭 넓은 주파수 범위 (Wide frequency range)
- IEPE, ICP, CCLD, CCP, Isotron, Deltatron 전압 출력 타입
- 압전소자 (석영, Quartz) 사용
- 노이즈 제거를 위한 케이스 절연
- 최대 ~ 222400 N (25 ton) 압축힘 측정 가능
[Dytran 1061V 시리즈 힘센서 적용분야]
- 모달 및 구조물 해석, 분석, 시험 (Modal and structural analysis)
- 압축기 및 프레스 힘측정, 모니터링 (Press monitoring)
- 힘측정 공정 관리 (Process control)
- 기계, 자동차, 항공기, 선박 등 설비 힘측정, 실험, 시험
[Dytran 1061V 시리즈]
● 1061V1 : 10 mV/lbf sensitivity, 500 lbf compression range, 500 lbf tension range, 10–32 radial connector, 3/8–16 tapped hole top and bottom, 452 grams,–100 to +250°F Operation
● 1061V2 : 5 mV/lbf sensitivity, 1,000 lbf compression range, 1,000 lbf tension range, 10–32 radial connector, 3/8–16 tapped hole top and bottom, 452 grams,–100 to +250°F Operation
● 1061V3 : 1 mV/lbf sensitivity, 5,000 lbf compression range, 1,000 lbf tension range, 10–32 radial connector, 3/8–16 tapped hole top and bottom, 452 grams,–100 to +250°F Operation
● 1061V4 : 0.5 mV/lbf sensitivity, 10,000 lbf compression range, 1,000 lbf tension range, 10–32 radial connector, 3/8–16 tapped hole top and bottom, 452 grams,–100 to +250°F Operation
● 1061V5 : 0.2 mV/lbf sensitivity, 25,000 lbf compression range, 1,000 lbf tension range, 10–32 radial connector, 3/8–16 tapped hole top and bottom, 452 grams,–100 to +250°F Operation
● 1061V6 : 0.1 mV/lbf sensitivity, 50,000 lbf compression range, 1,000 lbf tension range, 10–32 radial connector, 3/8–16 tapped hole top and bottom, 452 grams,–100 to +250°F Operation
** 제조사별 힘센서 참고용 모델 **
- HBK (BKSV, B&K) : Type 8230-002, 8230-003, 8230-001, 8231-C, 8001, 8230
- Kistler : 9147B, 9203, 9207, 9217A, 9333A, 9341A, 9343A, 9363A, 9366CC, 9383A, 9323A, 9027C, 9028C, 9047C, 9048C, 9077C, 9078C, 9146B, 9345B, 9347C, 9365B, 9377C, 9129AA, 9257B, 9255C, 9017C, 9018C, 9215A, 9067C, 9068C, 9119AA1, 9119AA2, 9212, 9081B, 9091B, 9143B, 9144B, 9145B, 9143BA, 9144BA, 9145BA, 9146BA, 9147BA, 9173B, 9177B, 9317C, 9327C, 9367C, 9323AA, 9139AA, 9712B, 9001C, 9011C, 9016C4, 9021C, 9026C4, 9031C, 9041C, 9064C4, 9051C, 9061C, 9066C4, 9071C, 9076C4, 9101C, 9102C, 9103C, 9104C, 9105C, 9106C, 9107C, 9109AA, 9130C, 9130CA, 9132C, 9132CA, 9133C
- PCB : 208C01, 208C02, 208C03, 208C04, 208C05, RH201A76, RHM240A02, 740B02, 215B, 209C11, 260A01, 200C200, 260A03, 260A11, 2112B, 260A02, 200C50, 205C, RHM240A03, 261B01, 201B05, 216B, 218C, 261B03, 221B05, 260A13, 261B02, 222B, 201B03, 201B04, 203B, 206C, 207C, 221B03, 221B04, 201B02, 213B, 223B, 224C, 225C, RHM240A01, 201B01, 202B, 204C, 209C01, 209C02, 209C12, 212B, 214B, 217B, 219A05, 221B01, 221B02, 226C, 227c, 260A12, 261A12, 261A13, 261B11, RHM240M40
- MMF : KF24
- SINOCERA (YEC) : CL-YD-3310, CL-YD-3302, CL-YD-2312, CL-YD-2311, CL-YD-360, CL-YD-320, CL-YD-312, CL-YD-311, CL-YD-305, CL-YD-303, CL-YD-302, CL-YD-301
- YMC : 501F01-1, 501F01, 501F02, 501F03, 501F03PE, 502F01, 502F02, 502F03, 502F03PE, 512F01, 512F02, 512F03, 512F04, 512F05, 512F06, 512F01PE, 512F02PE, 512F03PE, 512F04PE, 512F05PE, 512F06PE
[Dytran 1061V01 힘센서 실물 상세 사진]
** 인장, 압축힘 측정 및 충격, 낙하, 타격, 충돌, 순간힘, 동적힘 측정을 위한 Dytran, HBK (BKSV, B&K), Kistler, PCB, MMF 등 제조사별 힘센서 (Force sensor) 선정 및 기술적인 도움이 필요하시면 하기 문의처로 연락 부탁드립니다!
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