MEMS 진동 가속도센서 (가속도계) 감도 (sensitivity) 값 확인 with AT-2040, MEMS-100

이미지 Endevco사 MEMS 타입 진동 가속도센서 (가속도계) 감도 (sensitivity) 값을 AT-2040 진동센서 교정기와 MEMS-100 아답터를 이용하여 찾아 보았습니다. [한국SI ] 음향 소음 진동 솔루션 - 전화 : 02-6348-3500 - 메일 : - 웹사이트 : - 블로거 : - 전문분야 : 소음진동분석장비, 가속도계(가속도센서), 진동센서, 마이크로폰, 가진기, 임팩트해머(충격해머), 음향공진검사기, 소음계, 진동계, 진동공진실험기구(EVT), 진동시험기, 진동센서교정기 #MEMS진동센서감도 #MEMS가속도계감도 #MEMS가속도센서감도

임피던스튜브 Impedance Tube (BSWA SW230, SW260, SW420, SW470, SW422, SW470, SW433, SW463, SW466, SW477)

 임피던스튜브 Impedance Tube

SW 시리즈 임피던스튜브는 ISO 및 ASTM 표준에 따라 흡음계수(Sound Absorption Coefficient) 와 투과손실 (Transmission Loss (TL)) 정확하게 측정할 수 있다.

SW 시리즈 임피던스튜브는 절단된 샘플뿐만 아니라 현장에서 직접 사용할 수 있도록 특별히 설계되었습니다.

[대표 모델 사양]









Value to be Measured

 Sound Absorption Coefficient (α)

 Sound Absorption Coefficient (α) and Transmission Loss(TL)


 GB/T-18696, 2-2002, ISO10534-2, 1998, ASTM E1050-08

 Sound Absorption Standard: GB/T-18696, 2-2002, ISO10534-2, 1998; ASTM E1050-08

 ASTM E2611-09

Frequency Range (Ha)

 125 ~ 3150

 125 ~ 6300

 63 ~ 1800

 800 ~ 6300

 63 ~ 1800

 800 ~ 6300

Inner Diameter of Testing Tube

 60 mm

 60 & 30 mm

 100 mm

 30 mm

 100 mm

 30 mm

Loud speaker

 4 “ in diameter, 20 Watts, 8 Ohm


1/4’’ Microphone


Data Acquisition Card

 MC3322+PA50 or MC3522


Power Amplifier



 VA-Lab2 Basic + VA-Lab2 IMP-A

 VA-Lab4 Basic + VA-Lab4 IMP-AT

[아래 링크 영상에서 임피던스튜브 구성품을 자세히 보실 수 있습니다]

[흡음률 측정 구성도-Impedance TubeSystem for Sound Absorption Measurement]

[투과손실 측정 구성도-Impedance TubeSystem for Transmission Loss Measurement]

- SW230 SYSTEM 구성

1SW230For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients(125-3150Hz), 60mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 60mm diameter tube
- a 60mm diameter sample holder
2MC3522 (MC3322+PA50)USB Soundcard with 2 ICP input channels and 1 output channeL; with built-in power amplifier of 20W
3MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
4CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3522
5CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect MC3522 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
6CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
7VA-Lab2 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 2 channels
8VA-Lab2 IMP-ASoftware for measurement of sound absorption coefficients (2 mics are needed) 

- SW260 SYSTEM 구성

1SW260For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients(125-6500Hz), 30mm and 60mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 60mm diameter tube
- a 60mm diameter sample holder
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
2MC3522 (MC3322+PA50)USB Soundcard with 2 ICP input channels and 1 output channeL; with built-in power amplifier of 20W
3MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
4CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3522
5CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect MC3522 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
6CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
7VA-Lab2 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 2 channels
8VA-Lab2 IMP-ASoftware for measurement of sound absorption coefficients (2 mics are needed) 

- SW420 SYSTEM 구성

1SW420For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients50-1800Hz), 100mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 100mm diameter tube
- a 100mm diameter sample holder
2MC3522 (MC3322+PA50)USB Soundcard with 2 ICP input channels and 1 output channeL; with built-in power amplifier of 20W
3MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
4CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3522
5CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect MC3522 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
6CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
7VA-Lab2 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 2 channels
8VA-Lab2 IMP-ASoftware for measurement of sound absorption coefficients (2 mics are needed) 

- SW470 SYSTEM 구성

1SW470For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients1800-6500Hz), 30mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
2MC3522 (MC3322+PA50)USB Soundcard with 2 ICP input channels and 1 output channeL; with built-in power amplifier of 20W
3MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
4CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3522
5CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect MC3522 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
6CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
7VA-Lab2 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 2 channels
8VA-Lab2 IMP-ASoftware for measurement of sound absorption coefficients (2 mics are needed) 


1SW433For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (125-3150Hz) and material impedance values(125-3150Hz), 60mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 60mm diameter tube
- a 60mm diameter sample holder
- a 60mm diameter extension tube
2PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
3MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
4MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
5CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
6CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
7CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
8CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
9VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
10VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.

- SW463 SYSTEM 구성

1SW463For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (125-6300Hz) and material impedance values(125-3150Hz), 30mm and 60mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 60mm diameter tube
- a 60mm diameter sample holder
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
- a 60mm diameter extension tube
2PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
3MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
4MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
5CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
6CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
7CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
8CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
9VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
10VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.


1SW466For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (125-6500Hz) and transmission loss(125-6300Hz), 30mm and 60mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 60mm diameter tube
- a 60mm diameter sample holder
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
- a 60mm diameter extension tube
- a 30mm diameter extension tube
2PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
3MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
4MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
5CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
6CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
7CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
8CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
9VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
10VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.


1SW422For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (50-1800Hz) and material impedance values(63-1800Hz), 100mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 100mm diameter tube
- a 100mm diameter sample holder
- a 100mm diameter extension tube
2PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
3MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
4MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
5CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
6CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
7CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
8CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
9VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
10VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.


1SW477For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (1600-6500Hz) and material impedance values(1600-6300Hz), 30mm inner diameter, includes:
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
- a 30mm diameter extension tube
2PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
3MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
4MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
5CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
6CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
7CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
8CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
9VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
10VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.

SW422+SW477 SYSTEM 구성

1SW422+SW477For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (50-6500Hz) and transmission loss(60-6300Hz), includes:
- a 100mm diameter tube
- a 100mm diameter sample holder
- a 100mm diameter extension tube
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
- a 30mm diameter extension tube
2PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
3MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
4MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
5CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
6CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
7CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
8CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
9VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
10VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.

SW422+SW477+16mm tube to test up to 10kHz SYSTEM 구성



+16mm tube to test up to 10kHz

1SW422+SW477For accurate measurement of sound absorption coefficients (50-6500Hz) and transmission loss(60-6300Hz), includes:
- a 100mm diameter tube
- a 100mm diameter sample holder
- a 100mm diameter extension tube
- a 30mm diameter tube
- a 30mm diameter sample holder
- a 30mm diameter extension tube
216mm tubeTo test up to 10kHz
3PA50Power Amplifier of 50W
4MC3242DAQ card with 4 ICP input channels and 2 signal output channels, USB power supply, 0-20kHz, connected with laptop.
5MPA4161/4" microphone with ICP Preamp
6CBB005BNC to BNC cables, 5m, to connect PA50 to MC3242
7CBS005BNC to SMB cables, 5m, to connect MPA416 to MC3242
8CAA0022m cable of banana connectors to connect PA50 to the speaker of the impedance tube.
9CA1141000Hz, 94dB calibrator, Type 2, with adaptor for 1/2'' and 1/4'' microphones
10VA-Lab4 BASICBase software for measurement of noise and vibration, used for 4 channels
11VA-Lab4 IMP-ATSoftware for measurement of material impedance values (4 mics are needed) , for measurement of Transfer Function and the calculation of sound impedance coefficients and sound impedance.

임피던스튜브 (Impedance Tube) 제품 선정 및 기술적인 도움이 필요하시면 하기 문의처로 연락 부탁 드립니다!


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